My Old Ball Coach, Jerry Hall Died Today
I am one of Jerry’s kids….. You had to earn the right to wear the Texas Orange. Nothing was given. His 2 […]
My Teenage Son’s “Rules for a Phone”
Getting a cell phone has become a right of passage for teenagers in America. I remember the days we dreamed of our […]
Thank You, Sup
In case you haven’t noticed, everyone is talking about ChatGPT. So while I could just post up my usual thank you note, […]
The Trains of Time
Good day everyone! I had a dream last night that on the morning of my 56th birthday. I looked up and saw […]
This is Our Rental EIGHT Weeks After the FIRE!
Happy March everyone! It has been EIGHT weeks since we called 911 and Seattle Fire was dispatched to one of our rentals […]
Unlock the Secret to Tax-Free Real Estate Profits: The 1031 Exchange!
Hey there, Ron and Don Nation! 🙌🏼 I am pumped to talk about something that is going to CHANGE YOUR LIFE and […]
Turning Resolutions About Wealth, Health and Parenting Into Real Decisions
Happy 2023 Everyone! Don here, and I wanted to share a couple thoughts with you we kick off the new year. These […]
My 200 Phone Calls with the Late Dori Monson
For all of those who have been asking, yes. I have heard about the passing of my friend and colleague Dori Monson […]
Why I Call My Son Gunner
And this is why I call my son Gunner… This bullet ridden flag flew off a tank recovery vehicle in Iraq. Chris […]