Guess what you have in common with a Super- Hero???
Do you know what you have in common with Tom Holland ( Spiderman), Bradley Cooper, Eminem, Lucy Hale, and Kristen Davis???
They have joined you over the last 14 days for “Dry January” !
Science tells us after 14 days of an alcohol free life style you have lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, fewer headaches, fewer bouts of heartburn, indigestion , and stomach aches. And your clothes are starting to feel better, and your face is beginning to thin, and glow.
There is less fatty build-up around your liver (this will help eliminate the visceral body fat that builds-up around your stomach) , and you should have less mood swings and depression because you are sleeping like a baby.
Now listen up…
Real Talk…
If you are still experiencing withdrawal symptoms like. head fog, night sweats, a rapid pulse, and irritability, you need to call your doctor right away.
Deep detox can be deadly, and your body is letting you know that.
If you don’t know who to call, DM me and let’s get you some support.
Many people reached out to me this week with their story, and I am happy to share some things you can do to move forward in a safe manner.
I was there years ago, and I had friends that lifted me up.
I will do that for you.
As for the rest of us, WAY TO GO!
Besides the health benefits over the last 14 days, you are saving A-LOT OF MONEY and you have created more TIME for yourself.
So what are you doing with that time and ALL THAT MONEY!
This week maybe you helped a friend move, you called and reconnected with your nephew who could use your support….maybe you drove your son all the way to Bainbridge Island at 6 in the morning because he missed the bus for the ferry to his wrestling tournament.

Maybe you walked your dog on longer walks, maybe your finally back to the gym, some of you cancelled UBER EATS AND UBER RIDES, and started cooking again for yourself, and maybe you made a terrific meal for others.
When you look in the mirror you are liking the human that is looking back at you…
And friends and family are beginning to notice a difference about your countenance, your spirit, and your confidence.
You might be glowing, laughing , and loving a bit more.
Remember this feeling…
We will talk about it more at the conclusion of “DRY-January”.
Isn’t it great that you aren’t trying to mange the day with another hang-over from HELL!
So I congratulate you on your 2 week journey so far.
But now a question I ask myself every morning….
Are you jumping off, or moving ahead?
Are you ready for week #3?
You are not alone my friend’s
I will be joining you along with Robert Downey Jr. , Brad Pitt , Rob Lowe, Calvin Harris, Daniel Radcliffe, Lana Del Ray, Keith Irban , and Gerald Butler, Jamie Lee Harris, and Belinda Carlisle from there GO-GO’S.
The truth is many of us have been practicing the alcohol free life style for many January’s , and some beyond the month itself.
So have a great week.
Fill that space in your life , or you will heard back to old behaviors.
Don’t let the dreary skies get you down, and stay the course.
There are so many good things for you up ahead.
And the only way through… through.
The Obstacle is the Way!!! ( Read Ryan Holiday’s Book on this…)

I ‘ll check in with all you badasses in one week for Week #3.
Love and Respect for all your great work!