Started with a Ron & Don Sit Down.

Sold the house in Edmonds.
Then they packed their stuff into storage, traveled to Europe and the US and lived in AirBnb to find the perfect neighborhood in Oregon.
We just got this email:
Hi Team Hathaway!
It’s a flurry of activity here getting all the paperwork done, appraisals, scopes and inspections scheduled, paying everyone upfront!, unfreezing credit, etc, etc. Good thing we are retired and have nothing else to do!
We are in Edmonds now for a few days but will return to Bend this weekend. We will be at the townhouse Monday for the inspection.
Glad to get a picture of us and the place! We’ll send that along to you. Glad to be in your newsletter with our bonafied testimonial tentatively titled….”What do you know?! Ron & Don were actually right! Sell in the springboard…go travel the world…and then pounce during the holidays!”
It’s been great having you two vicariously along during this search and buying process! Thanks for all the support!
Mike & Patti