And it all started with a Ron and Don Sit Down!
I met Gretchen and Byron a number of years ago. They had listened to us on KIRO RADIO for years, but now they were reaching out to us as their real estate agents.
We first sat down with them online, and then I went to see them in their Everett home to see if we would all be a good team in the selling of their home.
Gretchen had worked helping educate children for years, and Byron worked in the Everett , Boeing Plant.
BUT, they were living separate lives.
When I walked into their home, I saw a picture of the two of them as high school sweethearts at the prom….
They were in love back then.
But, for some reason, they grew apart, met other partners, started to raise families, and never spoke again…
That was until one day after Byron’s kids became adults, and his relationship with his partner ended, he went out to
Guess who he was looking for you guys!
And he found her.
And he reached out.
And she reached back and said, “I can’t talk to you”!
Until a week later when she reached back to him and said “I have to talk to you!”
Gretchen and Byron have been together ever since.
In our “sit-down” I always ask why they want to sell, and what does the next chapter look like for them?
They were both retiring, they wanted to unlock all the equity of their home so they could move to a sunnier climate, buy a more affordable house, and they wanted to buy two HOGS (Motorcycles),. and ride around America with their friends.
So, that is what we did.
Byron and I got to work on preparing the house, and Ron and Gretchen got to work on preparing the online listing.
We sold their home in days, sold way over ask, unlocked a ton of cash, they moved to Eastern Washington, and they NOW spend their days playing with their grandkids, playing golf, and riding their “HOGS” around America with their very dear friends!!! How cool is that!
“We don’t live forever”, Byron told me one day as we were touring his home.
“You have to ask yourself how much is enough?”, he shared with me standing out in his garage by one one his HOGS one morning.
They are living their dream today because they took radical action, and radical action IS NOT EASY! BUT IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE THE LIFE YOU ALWAYS WANTED!
So let me ask you…
How much is enough?
We won’t live forever?
Is it time for you to take radical action?
It all started years ago when they reached out and sat down with us.
And here is Gretchen this past week riding 6 hours round trip with her friend Linda!!!!
They wanted to come to our Client Appreciation Party at my new build in Magnolia, Washington.
Man, was it great to see her!
And where was Byron?
He was out playing golf of course!
When you need us! Just reach out!
I love you all!