Ron & Don Radio: Episode 3
THING 1: Is a bar still a bar if they don’t serve alcohol? The latest Millennial trend is a late night hang out that looks like bar, acts like a bar, but doesn’t drink like a bar. Ron and Don discuss.
THING 2: The guys discuss the curious case of who should and who should not be allowed to tell you what to eat? Some states now require that a person be licensed before they can sell you on how great their vegan keto diet is.
THING 3: Ron & Don go back to elementary school – and it’s not because they flunked out the first time.
THING 4: Ron is adopted. Nineteen years ago, he was reunited with his birth mom. Recently, she lost her battle with cancer and chose to do a Death With Dignity Ceremony. Ron and Don tell that story.
THING 5: That’s a wrap for Episode 3. It really does help us out if you Subscribe and Rate the show. Also, if you can help us rebuild our Social Media Following! Please spread the word. We really appreciate it.
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