EPISODE #2: What Happened When Ron & Don Sued The Atlantic

Ron and Don Radio
Ron and Don Radio
EPISODE #2: What Happened When Ron & Don Sued The Atlantic

Welcome to the return of the Ron & Don Show. Ron & Don’s Five Things for the week: 
 THING 1: Welcome to episode #2. Did you know that the State of Washington has officially adopted the German Zipper Merge? Neither does anyone else. Ron & Don explore this little understood driving technique. 
THING 2: Ron considered becoming an Extreme Life Coach after reading about it in Traveler Magazine. What would you pay for a concierge trip around the world? 
THING 3: It’s the age old question, shoes on or off in the house? Don has tried everything to keep the shoes OFF. R&D explore why that’s not working. 
THING 4: Attorney Anne Bremner joins the guys to explain what happened when Ron & Don sued The Atlantic and Seattle City Council Memeber Sally Bagshaw. 
THING 5: And that’s a wrap for Episode #2 – Subscribe / Like / Review / Share

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DISCLAIMER: Ron Upshaw, Managing Broker License #22027577 & Don O’Neill, Broker License #95294 are brokers with Kelly Right Real Estate

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