EPISODE #1: Ron & Don Respond: “What the $#%! happened at KIRO radio?”

Ron and Don Radio
Ron and Don Radio
EPISODE #1: Ron & Don Respond: "What the $#%! happened at KIRO radio?"

Welcome to the return of the Ron & Don Show. The guys will talk about what happened at KIRO and introduce to Ron & Don’s Five Things – the five stories that caught our attention this week. 

THING 1: Open the new show – Graduation Talk – what pieces of advice would you say to your 18 year old self? 

THING 2: Don has an unlikely musical act that he really wants to see… even if they aren’t at the top of their game anymore.

THING 3: Detective Ed Troyer joins us to talk about Charlie’s Dinosaur and how we can help cops help kids.

THING 4: What happened at KIRO

THING 5: What didn’t happen at KIRO

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DISCLAIMER: Ron Upshaw, Managing Broker License #22027577 & Don O’Neill, Broker License #95294 are brokers with Kelly Right Real Estate

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